Made in the Image of God

God created humanity in various colors, races, and genders, yet we were all created in the Image of God. How is diversity and being made in the Image of God shown and experienced in our lives and in the Church?
Session 1 (July 25) – How do we portray the image of God today?
What has shaped the Divine imagery in our places of worship and culture? Do we find a window into others or a mirror of ourselves? What are the implications to a diverse Body of Christ, and should corrective actions be taken?
Session 2 (August 1) – What does Scripture and the Holy Spirit say to us about the image of God?
How is God described in Scripture? How has the Holy Spirit revealed the Mother of God to diverse peoples? How might a parish pursue their own diverse imagery?
Session 3 (August 8) – Experiencing the Image of God.
How was intentionally diverse imagery received at Blessed Teresa of Calcutta parish in Ferguson, and what lessons can be learned from this? What is the Church’s responsibility in creating welcoming spaces for worship and community?
Session 4 (August 15) – My response to what I’ve learned about the Image of God.
A panel gave individual reflections on how the Holy Spirit moved in their hearts. Expanded small group discussion allowed participants to do the same, along with expanded Q&A.