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Testimonies from Congress XIII

Updated: Oct 2, 2023

2023 NBCC Conference Reflection

Kim Reid
Racial Harmony Committee Member

When I first heard about the National Black Catholic Congress not long after I entered the Church, I thought it was some kind of meeting only specially appointed people could attend. I was absolutely delighted when I learned that anyone could attend, and I signed up for my first Congress in Indiana in 2012. I went again in 2017, and after the postponement, again this year. I have gone to the Congress to hear speakers I wouldn’t normally be able to hear or see, and to meet people from all over the country. I took a picture of a group from another state, so they could all be in the picture together. After I took their photo, they suggested I have mine taken and they directed me on the photo pose, shown above. You have so many happy and friendly enc

ounters over meals, bus rides, discussion, and breakout groups, etc. Thankfully, anyone who did not have the opportunity to participate in person, can reap the benefits from the conference by visiting the Congress YouTube channel. Of particular interest for me was the premiere of the Congress’ new video on the history of the Congress, highlights from Congresses of the past, and reflections from people today on their love of their Catholic faith.

2023 NBCC Conference Reflection

Desiray Taylor
St. Louis Chapter NBCC Implementation Team Member

What the National Black Catholic Congress meant to me.

I thank God for the opportunity to go to the National Black Catholic Congress (NBCC). I am not a cradle Catholic, and I did not attend Catholic schools. I did grow up knowing the power of Jesus and how He is head of our lives. Becoming Catholic was a personal choice I made as a teen/ young adult.

So, seeing the many people that looked like me was a joy and even seeing the Caucasian people in attendance that support NBCC was a blessing. I enjoyed the roll call. I even exchanged information with people from other cities. The information is good to have if I am ever in their city and want to attend Mass, LOL. There were so many good sessions. Some information was good for our work within the parish and some information was even great knowing for my personal life outside of the Church. I am disappointed that I couldn't attended them all. I enjoyed the Unity Mass with the various cultures. I have never heard Mass in multiple languages at once. I loved how we even had time for a service project. I honestly can say it didn't feel like "work" we were mixed with different people and we laughed like we had known each other for years.

I know it takes a lot of hard work to put the Congress together, but it was such an AMAZING experience! I wish we did not have to wait another 5 years to get to enjoy it.

Again, I am so thankful for the opportunity.

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