On behalf of the National Black Catholic Congress Implementation Team, we offer our heartfelt gratitude for your presence at the Day of Reflection. Our hearts are full of gratitude for each person that came ready to pray, listen and share what we’ve heard. Our collective voices accomplished the goal for the day and for that we are grateful and we thank you!
Since you have been a part of the journey, let us share a summary of our collective voices;
Enriched by the Holy Spirit, we were inspired to see Social Justice and Catholic Social Teachings at work in our church, envisioned the Church as a place of racial harmony, our next generation of Catholics engaged in our Church and community and the voices of all, especially women and people of color as the norm within our Church.
As a result of those spiritual stirrings, we were led to identify these action items as pastoral concerns to be our mission as our “Prophetic Call to Thrive.”
1. building a plan of trust within our Archdiocese
2. engaging our youth and young adults more intentionally
3. refocus “Pro-Life” from a primarily “Abortion Issue” to address other relevant “From the Womb to Tomb Issues of ALL” with that same level of enthusiasm and commitment (i.e. education, housing, incarceration, racial & social justice, catholic social teachings etc.)
4. build, empower and listen to Black leadership as a valid part of our universal Church
5. make room and validate the voices and create crucial roles for the women in the Church